Class 155 Polyurethane Overcoated with Polyamide Self-Bonding Round Copper Magnet Wire for Solderable Applications

Thermal Class:155
Insulation materials:polyurethane,polyamide,self-bonding
Dimensions:Type 1: 0.067mm-1.732mm;Type 2: 14-44 AWG 0.074mm-1.773mm

Class 155 Polyurethane Overcoated with Polyamide Self-Bonding Round Copper Magnet Wire for Solderable Applications

Class 155 polyurethane overcoated with polyamide self-bonding round copper magnet wire is a specialized type of enameled wire designed for high-performance solderable applications.


Insulation materialsThe conductor shall be coated with a multiple film.
The underlying coating is based on polyurethane.
The intermediate coating is based on polyamide.
The superimposed coating is based on resins that are self-bonding in character.
DimensionsType 1: 14-44 AWG in accordance with 0.067mm-1.732mm
Type 2: 14-44 AWG in accordance with 0.074mm-1.773mm
CertificateMW 136-C
Thermal Class155


Adherence and flexibilityNo cracks visible in the film coating
ElongationNot less than the value in 5-38
Heat shockNo cracks visible in the film coating after conditioning at 175ºC
SpringbackNot greater than the value in Type 1 42-66;Type 2 46-70
Dielectric breakdown14-23.5 AWG: not less than the value in Type 1 2470v-3170v;Type 2 4440v-5690v
24-37 AWG: not less tham the value in Type 1 610v-1220v;Type 2 1020v-2190v
38-44 AWG: not less than the value in Type 1 275v-450v;Type 2 550v-850v (polyamide col.)
*Polyamide column
ContinuityMax number of discontinuities in accordance with Type 1 350-1000;Type 2 500-1500


Covered with continuous film of solder after immersion within the time and temperature specified:

AWG SizeTemperatureType 1Type 2
14-19.5430ºC8 seconds10 seconds
20-23.5430ºC6 seconds8 seconds
24-29.5390ºC5 seconds6 seconds
30-36390ºC4 seconds5 seconds
37-44390ºC3 seconds4 seconds

Periodic conformance tests

Thermoplastic FlowMedian not less than 200ºC
Dielectric breakdown at rated temperatureAverage not less than 75% of the value required at room temperature
Bond strength at room temperature18, 26 AWG: no break in the coil specimen when subjected to the load specified in table 1
36 AWG: no separation of turns other than the first or last turn
Bond strength at elevated temperatureBond conditions and strength requirements as agreed between customer and supplier

Table 1

AWGMandrel Diameter*MaximumTest Load*
Winding TensionBonding Load*After Heat BondingAfter Solvent Bonding

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